Honor Code. We know what it is. Don't cheat, don't lie, don't have sex, don't wear booty shorts and...SHAVE. I was very excited for this rule when I came to BYU--the boys have to shave. :)
For those of you who don't know, I graduated from Timpview High School which is famous for many things and infamous for two: Dr. Bayles and..."Mens'" Week. The superior species (often referred to as the Timpview Girl) is constantly plagued by agrivating, barbarric, and poorly worded/uneducated sexist comments as well as pathetic attempts by their male classmates to grow facial hair. The typical Timpview Boy is just the reason I was excited to come to BYU. Leave behind the immaturity and disgusting whisps of almost non-existant facial growth. But...being here has showed me that BYU also has its downsides.
Back to the honor code. According to various alumni the honor code was introduced somewhere in the 1970's; due to popular fashion at the time, only one type of facial hair is allowed here at the Y and that is (dun dun dun) the moustache. Somewhere in the back of my mind I always knew that moustaches were allowed here, but I never thought anyone would actually take the University up on that offer. I was wrong. They do. They're everywhere and I call the the Moustache Men. And let me tell you, they are all WEIRDIES.
See a moustache. Run. Because it will definately attempt to talk to you and the conversation is guaranteed to be creepy, awkward, and uncomforably long.
I like the way you write
why are you the best?
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